OK, I said no blogging until I get my final grades in. I have a lot to say about our course management software, but now is not the time. I'm thinking a lot about graduation, tho.
On a Sunday in several weeks, I have been asked to sing in a small group at church (approx 10a). I have been invited to brunch with a very prominent alum who will be the graduation speaker (10:30a), and will also process with the faculty at graduation (12:30p). The only way I can get away with this is because all of these events are within walking distance of each other.
I won't wear regalia to walk in graduation. I know I will stick out like a sore thumb, but the presidents office has given us the option. My excuse is that I am pregnant and it will probably be 90 degrees. But the truth is, I never bought it. I didn't walk in my own graduation (I had started by postdoc overseas by then). I walked once since I've been here and I borrowed the regalia that time. I was only in the audience the other times.
This year, however, the freshmen that "started" with me are graduating, and I feel far more invested this year than in years past. I will know a good 1/3 of the graduating class, and like 80% of those.
So I really want to walk this year, but didn't arrange for regalia in time. That stuff can be damned expensive- like $500- and then the question: do you buy regalia before you get tenure?
Addendum: Thanks Biochem Belle (in comments) for this link:
My moron husband bought some when he graduated (so he could have it from his PhD institution since it is.. eh.. not "typical" regalia.) Anyhow, now he is in industry and will NEVER EVER have to use it. Maybe our kids can dress up like the nutty professor for Halloween.
ReplyDeleteHey, good point! Anybody have a standard three-striped PhD gown and tam that is rotting in your closet? Consider me the Goodwill (professor-style) I'll pay shipping!
ReplyDeleteI considered buying regalia for my commencement... until I found out it was going to run close to $1000-nothing to sneeze at, especially on a postdoc salary.
ReplyDeleteThere's actually a blog post up at the Chronicle of Higher Ed regarding precisely this topic.
I colleague of mine bought it and wrote it off as a job expense. It's a long time 'til tenure, so yes, I'll be buying ti soon, too.
ReplyDeleteI bought the regalia from my PhD-granting so that I could attend my students' graduation here. Mine is a tad fancier than the standard US robes and tam and there was no capability to rent the same stuff here. It'll gives the students a thrill to see their professors wearing their robes so it was totally worth the $500.
ReplyDeleteI also bought mine - my institution was also fairly unique in the robe department, but more so SLAC expects us to wear regalia at least twice a year and only covers rentals for the first year. So I figure I'll have at least broken even by the time I come up for tenure. If I was making that decision closer to my tenure year I might just put it off...but otherwise, I'd say it's worth purchasing if you have an academic position.
ReplyDeleteMy institution purchased it for me when I was hired. Still stuffed in a drawer somewhere though.
ReplyDeleteIf you're going to stay in academia you might as well because your grad institution isn't going to change, so it will be good wherever you go. I'm planning on buying mine as soon as a grant comes in, because I'm buying that shit off my start-up! Why use personal funds for something that is entirely job related?
ReplyDeleteThe most economical option is to sew velvet bars to the sleeves of a choir robe and buy the hood and tam a la carte.
ReplyDeleteI've been trying to find a place that sells bars only. No luck so far. Can you inform?
DeleteOh, use start-up funds. Great idea, Prof-like Substance!