Monday, September 28, 2009


I have a class of three that meets right after Mathy Class. Apparently there was an exam in Mathy Class today, and the teacher wrote a 2 hour test for the 50 minute class period. Nice. So I had one student show to my class today while the others spent my ENTIRE class taking Mathy Test. Very irritating.

1 comment:

  1. Who sits around for two hours waiting for students to finish when the class period is half that? I'll give my students an hour tops for a 50 minute class exam. If I wrote an exam that is too long, that's my problem and I'll have to adjust the grading accordingly. Of course, there are always students wanting to enter the room for the next class, so after I've given my students a few minutes' leeway, I announce loudly that I'm leaving, and if they want their exams graded they need to hand them to me before I exit the room.
