Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Where does one keep a doctor?

Hubby, Da Boy and I all enjoyed going to the same family practice before the Separation (when hubby took the faraway job; see intros). We liked the idea of seeing the same doctors and the Drs. knowing us pretty well. Hub needed a few specialists, but they are here in town, too. But now that Hub works two hours away, we have a few options:

1. He can change his GP, Specialists, dentist, optometrist, the works... find new ones close to his work to accommodate appointments during the work week or
2. He can keep his Drs. and take only Monday morning or Friday afternoon appointments, which means scheduling very far in advance, or
3. He can keep his Drs. and drive back here the night before a midweek appointment, and take a day off work the day of his appointment.

I like having him home midweek, because well, I like having him around as much as possible. But that a lot of driving for him. I think Americans have a miscalculation of their risk of serious accidents when driving. I also don't like him taking the increased risk. It also means him missing more work than necessary.

In addition, we like the idea of having a long-term relationship with health providers, especially GPs. Since his job is as yet year-to-year contracts, the idea of swapping all of Hub's health providers is especially unattractive.

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