Tuesday, November 8, 2011

gonna be the worst day of the semester

two exams to give tomorrow. both need to be written.

waaay overdue study guide for one class, taking impossibly long to make.

3-hour lab in afternoon.

poster to go to printer today. many small but important mistakes to correct. did get help from hubby who found detailed mistakes (like misnumbering of references), also elicited help from a professional mentor in another institution who found some important errors and asked cogent questions (e.g. about my statistical tests).

sent the kids to daycare without breakfast today. closed door, put a sign that says "I'm hiding from you. make an appt by e-mail" that might cost me on my teaching evals. gonna take the risk.

my body is responding to the stress in a way that is entirely incompatible with being able to work in a focused manner. I'll spare you the details.

addendum: even though it is crunch time, I'm still FEELING 100% better than last spring when I was fighting depression. I actually feel good right now. I'm happy to have all this stuff going on.


  1. Hang in there!

    Hopefully the students will feel sorry for you and understand that you're actually busy(!) That may even work to increase the student evals. :)

  2. Glad you're feeling better; and yeah, working on posters right there with you. On the other hand, I expect that cancelling class will _help_ my evals :-).

    6 posters to do; 2 down. Why don't students miraculously gain the ability to make posters I am content with?

  3. LOL at your sign!! That is hilarious! :) I think students would laugh at it - maybe your evals won't be hurt at all.
