I feel so famous! Apparently "Inside Higher Ed" gave me my 15 min of bloggy fame by noting my blog extremely briefly.
I actually got pretty nervous, because I don't want a big readership such that I would have to censor what I write OR always wonder if any of my colleagues were reading. Apparently its not a problem, I got a little blip which quickly returned to status quo.
Good. I like it better just me and my homies anyway.
I am a professor at a primarily undergraduate institution. My spouse is a research professor and works two hours' drive away. This blog is primarily about life at a PUI, but also about our family trying to make the most of an uncomfortable lifestyle.
Birth Story
commuter marriage
research with undergrads
work-family balance
single motherhood
working while pregnant
house moving
just bitching
self confidence
Tenure Bid
community service
science geek-out
You and me both! :D Honored to share May 14th with you!