Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Would YOU hire this person?

A note from my dept. chair:

Also, another application came in, I made it available to the committee electronically. However (and a BIG however...I've never had this happen to my knowledge) the teaching statement looked suspect so I did a quick google and yes, in fact, it is plagiarized (ttp://
That knocks this person out of any further consideration as far as I'm concerned...

Ya Think?!?!?


  1. Wow. I'm not even sure if I would pass that application on to the committee (why bother?).

  2. Geez. We've had folks change dates on rec. letters (to make them more recent), but have never seen this.

  3. What if the second person (on the net) is the stealer of the statement and not the applicant?

    Complicated situation for sure!

  4. Ink, nah. The teaching statement refers to children several times. It is clearly not fashioned for a college audience. Hence, my chair's original suspicions.

  5. Why yes, I believe that one would go straight to the circular file.
