I knew it was risky taking on a exchange student, but decided to "buy a lottery ticket" by inviting one to stay with us. As posted here, she's enjoyable, mature, loves the kids, adaptable, and independent. She has been very helpful and has relieved my burden a lot. I think we may have won the "lottery".
However, we came very close to losing. Our student hangs around a lot with another girl from the same program who speaks her language. This other girl is high maintenance, demanding, already homesick (day 5), and disappointed with her living situation. Thanks Lord, is all I can say.
I am a professor at a primarily undergraduate institution. My spouse is a research professor and works two hours' drive away. This blog is primarily about life at a PUI, but also about our family trying to make the most of an uncomfortable lifestyle.
Birth Story
commuter marriage
research with undergrads
work-family balance
single motherhood
working while pregnant
house moving
just bitching
self confidence
Tenure Bid
community service
science geek-out
Even a non-believer can say "Thank the Lord" to that situation. I'm glad you got a break.