Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lookin' Up

The depression I chronicled in the last post has abated for the most part. It was accompanied by terrible acne, my period after several weeks, and some other yukky symptoms you don't want to know about. I DID go see my doc, but told him I wanted to wait before starting antidepressants, just in case it cleared up on its own. I've been feeling myself for three days now, and I am very encouraged. The stress hasn't gone down, but I can once again enjoy the simple things in life (like spring blossoms!).

On the spiritual side, while I was in the midst of feeling terrible I saw a hidden blessing / call of God in it. That is to say, I love my job and if I were miserable otherwise it would be easier to let go of it and join my husband under a common roof. Depression as a solution to the two-body problem; God can work in mysterious ways. Nonetheless, I am feeling better, and therefore not miserable enough to quit my job and go live with my husband.


  1. Glad things seem brighter... hope it stays that way!

  2. So glad to hear things are getting better. I read your last post while on the road, and didn't have time to write you. Make sure you take care of yourself first and foremost - and email me sometime if you want to talk: microdro AT gmail DOT com. :)

  3. Yeah! Very glad to hear about this. Hormones are strange, aren't they?
